Fractals Sign-Art-Our

Aurelia Baumgartner and Silvio Cattani : Video Installation

The Performative Installation is a Frottage of different art creations, a holistic interconnection of different layers. There is no simple creation of only one meaning. Therefore, one cannot capture it only by rational understanding, but by intuitive sensing–feeling-perceiving. Here body and mind are in a relational process within each other and in relation with the surroundings, which I want to call body-thinking.

Therefore, the recipient has to come himself into a creative process. So this process of creating happen “in between”, at the place of the “and” relating parts of a sentence, at the “gap” in relation of the ‘Ego’ and the ‘other’, at the “border” of signatures. Therefore, the composition is in permanent process. Here the painter

stands at the place of the recipient being involved in this creative process. Painter and recipient are in each

performance new, ‘painting their own “picture”’.

