Water Memory

Works by Christopher Cichocki

Artist and composer Cristopher Cichocki is currently in Venezia working in collaboration with Biennale Urbana & Castello 925 on an exhibition and performance.

Living in the the desert of Southern California, Cichocki examines the relationship between water, survival and industrial transformation within our environment. 

Cichocki regards his practice as an evolving series of excavations and restorations, bridging the ancient origin of water into new ecologies that emerge within present and future horizons.

The use of neon color in his work illuminates suggestions of deep sea bioluminescence while also bringing to mind the increasingly toxic climate  confronting our planet.

"Water Memory" is the opportunity to produce a research that sees the collaboration of the Biennale Urbana and Castello 925 in the construction of a process of artistic production "site responsive" that has taken the form of an exhibition in continuous evolution. In the next weeks we will see a series of widespread urban interventions happen that will relate to the presence of water as an infrastructural and human flow capable of interconnecting everything.


La Base

