Utopia and Beyond

Utopia represents an absence. In etymologically, it means no place or a 'negative' place that becomes a pole of attraction for desire. Talking about beyond - this sanctions its paradox! The title of the last Art Biennale 'May You Live in Interesting Times' and that of this Biennale 'How Will We Live Together?' indirectly predict what we are experiencing right now. From this premise, there was a desire to create a video that originates from 3 different geographic summits: China, Venice, New York … Looking forward to a place to live together!

Beyond ‘U-topia’, looking for a possible ‘Eu-topia’, a place in which living together exists. Venice becomes a laboratory in the intersection of art, culture and technology. Looking forward to the next Biennale with Art!


Beyond the Couch


Memoir of the Future