Orseola Barozzi

Creative Director of Galleria Castello 925

Orseola Barozzi is the Creative Director of Galleria Castello 925. Hailing from Venice, she comes from a family with a strong background in the antiques trade. Her great grandfather was an antique dealer and art collector, while her mother successfully operated an eclectic antiques business.

She is the founder of the Dinner into Art project. With a passion for transforming the dining experience into a canvas for shared ideas, Orseola’s innovative vision focuses on the intersection of food, dialogue, and art.

In addition to her role at Galleria Castello 925, Orseola collaborates with Antiques Diva & Co and Republic of Toma. Through this venture, she runs her own antiques business, specializing in antique textiles and rare objects. She finds great satisfaction in bridging the gap between the antique and contemporary art fields by actively participating in various creative processes and collaborations.

Her curatorial style brings together seemingly disconnected elements. Through juxtaposition, these settings create a harmonious environment in which fine art, contemporary art, antiques, and design coexist. This innovative concept encourages a vibrant dialogue between objects, artwork, and manufactured goods from different periods.
